Health Benefits
Blueberries are high in manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, potassium, and fiber. Blueberries have a low glycemic index. They are rich in anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol, flavonols, and tannins, which are all linked to reducing inflammation and risk of cancer. Wild blueberries are higher in these compounds than the highbush species. Other health benefits of blueberries include decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease, decreased aging, lowering LDL cholesterol, and decreased risk for heart disease. There are also links to blueberries decreasing brain damage after stroke and preventing urinary tract infections. Blueberries may also enhance memory, reduce blood sugar, reduce blood pressure, enhance nighttime vision, and reduce depression symptoms.
Selection & Storage
Blueberries don't ripen once they are picked. Blueberries with a reddish/purplish tinge are not as ripe and will be more sour than sweet. Completely blue blueberries are fully ripe. The silvery shimmery coating is normal- it is a natural protectant. Things to avoid are soft, mushy berries, and stained or leaky containers. When you bring your blueberries home store them in the refrigerator. Only wash the serving you are going to eat- moisture will make the berries spoil quicker. Blueberries should stay fresh in the fridge for about 2 weeks.
Should you buy organic?
TheDailyGreen.com ranked blueberries as #5 on their Dirty Dozen list in 2010- which lists foods with the highest pesticide residue after washing. Blueberries are treated with as many as 52 pesticides, and therefore one of the dirtiest berries you can buy. So it may be worth it to splurge on blueberries and buy them organic.
Blueberry Recipes

Blueberry Breakfast Shake (Add a scoop of unsweetened protein powder for a more balanced breakfast)
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